/c/Filmi: Филми с Превод Бг

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Филми с превод на Български и Бг Аудио



Application of thin-walled stainless steel pipe stainlesssteelsales.comban site

Overview: Compared with indoor gas commonly used in engineering seamless steel pipe, galvanized steel, thin-walled stainless steel tube with high tensile strength, high ductility and toughness, low thermal expansion coefficient, corrosion resistance, high hardness, wear resistance and other characteristics.[url=http://stainlesssteelsales.com/steel-products/662.html ] 316 stainless steel half couplings[/url] Control key manufacturing technologies: thin-walled stainless steel tube with a wall thickness of 0.6 ~ 2.0mm of stainless steel, using automated pipe welding and other welding process made. After forming pipe but also through the weld leveling, online solid solution, saws, pipe end chamfering deburring, process performance test, weld pickling and passivation process, and finally the pipeline laser printing, packaging , storage.[url=http://jawaymetal.com/web/getnews_news?path=new-show.jsp&data.id=deb8cf72383642edb5eff0092ca32703&shoucang.userId= ] Galvanized steel sheet in coil[/url] OK walled stainless steel connection mode: GB50028-2006 "Town Gas Design Code" Article 10.2.6 states: "The thin-walled stainless steel pipe connections should be used for socket welding fittings to connect or ferrule fittings mechanical connection "; CJJ94-2009" city indoor gas engineering construction and quality acceptance norms "4.3.3 states:" socket welding of thin-walled stainless steel pipe fittings to connect or card sets, card-pressure should be used ring compression fittings and other mechanical connection, "which compression-type compression is divided into single and dual compression type two connections.[url=http://stainlesssteelsales.com/steel-products/656.html ] 201 grade non magnetic stainless steel[/url]
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