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Prostate Laser Treatment www.drnirenrao.comban site

Enlargement of the prostate gland is a common problem among men. When the cells of the prostate gland multiply, it results in swelling of the gland and squeezes the urethra. This leads to restricting the proper flow of urine, which can further lead to major problems. This enlargement of the prostate gland is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. The symptoms include frequent urge to urinate, urinary tract infections, slow urination, etc. Although it is a non-cancerous condition, the problem needs to be treated to prevent it from worsening. Prostate surgery in south Delhi is provided at Dr. Niren Rao Urology Clinic. The treatment is either carried out through surgery or laser treatment. An individual can consult Dr. Niren Rao, who is the best prostate doctor in Delhi, having specialization in treating all urological medical conditions. Prostate laser treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia involves a laser which vapourises the extra tissue. The concerned area is quite sensitive, and hence, it is recommended to consult an expert for prostate laser surgery in Delhi.
Read the full article on www.drnirenrao.com
category adv posted by Amansharma99 5 years ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

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