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Best Skin Specialist in Bangalore sites.google.comban site

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that can affect a majority of people at some point in their lives, especially teenagers and younger adults. It occurs due to the clogging of skin pores with sebum and dead skin cells. Sebum is a type of oil produced by sebaceous glands which lubricate and protects the skin. Treating acne requires the help of a doctor. Several people apply home care remedies on their skin, but the remedies are temporary and cannot treat the root cause of the problem. Take the help of an expert skin specialist in Bangalore Dr. Rasya Dixit, at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic to cure acne. To get healthy skin, consult now.
Read the full article on sites.google.com
category adv posted by Kanikakumari 4 years ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

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