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Here's always been that culture that cannabis culture um in michigan so in when i entered into the scene and everything and got into the whole cannabis scene as far as not hiding you know i mean uh i was the most surprised by how welcoming the whole cannabis scene was and it's one of those things that you can't explain to people who haven't experienced it so it's really tough to tell people that you know this isn't just this isn't a drug this is more than a plant this is more than medicine it's a whole scene it's a whole family almost you know and that that's what i've done here in michigan is like i got a cannabis family easily you know there's people that you know i look at like my brothers or my sisters and uh that's what really drew me to the whole scene and got me more involved and got me more working because the deeper i get it's just the better it gets you know what i mean so totally that's kind of the scene at least that i know in michigan i'm sure there's bad scenes here and there Terpenes are aromatic compounds that come from plants. Cannabis plants contain true terpenes. Terpenes for sale, Ideal for anticancer, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antihyperglycemic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic. Buy Terpenes are also used to enhance skin penetration, prevent inflammatory diseases. But that's the scene that I know no man I agree with you on that one cannabis you know it's an accumulator so I always call it a collector but as it's a connector and so it may pull all these things from the soil but it pulls all of us together in a way that I’ve never seen any other substance do the similarities diminish for the length of that smoking period if you're hitting some rips if you're burning a joint if you eat an edible there's a duration of time where everyone sees a con a common and then as the high fades you kind of come back out and so it's almost like when you're smoking herb or consuming herb the best part of you in terms of with humanity surfaces and all your other gets kind of pushed down and stays in the deeper water where it belongs and on that surface I just like saying it kills egos, man, everybody's egos drop those walls down totally. so so on that point michael bacchus are you properly medicated i was born medicaid though [Laughter] yeah so that's fine i mean i was i was born with a with a you know hyper functioning endocannabinoid system so yeah so it's finally it's finally tuned so you you were watching uh a little bit earlier right so yeah and ethan talked for a while and uh hey kevin how you doing good mike how you doing i'm doing good and uh yeah yeah it's um it's an interesting topic i mean i've really gotten i mean you know i got kind of i got hooked on terps before i knew they were terps um when i started messing out this stuff in in in the early 70s and um um but it you know it took me a long time to figure out like what was going on you know i mean i really thought like when i used to collect land race trains um like tai and oaxacan and colombia and stuff like that um i thought that their terp profiles were one thing but i didn't understand the degradation of monoterpenes and smuggling and so like you know we used to think that that like panama red was peppery and and and colombian.
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