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Prime Stick: World’s Best Urban Walking Stick & Cane – DynamoMe dynamome.comban site

There's so the and because of the grip and the setup of it it helps me get up from my position put it through my legs yep press it up I mean I'm 210 pounds okay and I put all my weight into this just now and it's as stable as then it's a better piece of aquatic and was even the way you interact with it again it's the same like a shake shaking hands that's it so I urge you to consider if you've got somebody on your holiday to listen and maybe you maybe yourself who has some difficulties in getting around I truly truly believe that this is a life-changing implement to help you and it doesn't have the stigma of quote a cane mm-hmm it really is like a walking stick. Now with the new rocker tip and you don't have to worry about sizing on this we get a little doggie I love that dog there are ten different height adjustments on the Dynamo Cane and it's changing the way even physicians think of change, in general, it's all about ergonomics you know you don't want to have extra balance and then a sore wrist you don't wanna have all that balance and then setting yourself up for more of an injury and you talked about being on the road and it's those travel times and let's say you want to bring it to bring this with you on the road, it collapses that's they bring it in your luggage. It's gonna become much smaller and then when you collapse it down it's even smaller than that and then right away it just pops right up it goes right into that position you're ready to go I like it I really do I I still have that old cane and a closet somewhere yes and you know what and I won't ever use it again yes this is the modern tool for the active but people who need a little bit of assistance that's it that's what that's what I wanted to bring to you in this hour we're practical gifts things that make sense we're into our big holidays weekend over 1200 of them have been purchased by the way the bottom is rubber and the reason for that is rubber grips plastic slips it's a good thing so so many of the canes out there have plastic bottles and this one I can't tell you how important that is just free stands when you get to where you're going it stands by itself it's gonna stand on a flat surface you got to be careful on a rug yeah I not step on a rug but on a flat surface it goes like the old cane I had unless I was close to a wall or a piece of furniture right you couldn't get again we've got a few seconds I want to go back here is a traditional cane you you know what that looks like okay to grass back you have to turn your wrist at a very precarious angle.
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