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Citizen Seven thecitizenseven.comban site

Travel adventures with locals. Take a quick personality quiz and then, every time you travel, we match you with like-minded hosts based on personality & interests. At Citizen Seven, we believe that every person in the world can host a unique local experience for another person. No need for any professional experience. Request your invitation, get approved by our team and become a part of our exclusive community. All our Hosts, eligible to become co-owners, can take an active part in the life of the company through various events. Each year we will run Referendums where our Hosts can decide whether we introduce new features and other important matters. Check for more info; Citizen Seven https://thecitizenseven.com Become A Host https://thecitizenseven.com/become_a_host
Read the full article on thecitizenseven.com
category adv posted by MikeGreat20 3 years ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

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