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Clomid is a prescription drug that helps women who haven't been able to ovulate get pregnant again. Clomid is a versatile drug that can be used by itself or with other treatments. Clomid is a selective estrogen receptor modulator, which is a type of drug. Clomid may be given to a woman who is having trouble ovulating as a treatment. Clomid shouldn't be used until all other possible reasons for infertility have been ruled out or dealt with effectively. People with amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome, psychogenic amenorrhea, post-oral contraceptive amenorrhea, polycystic ovary syndrome, and some cases of secondary amenorrhea with an unknown cause do well when they take clomiphene. When to take Clomid and how much to take Clomid will only be given to people who have been clinically diagnosed with ovulatory dysfunction and who meet the following criteria. Those who have been told they have ovarian cysts. People who have had their ovaries get bigger shouldn't use Clomid, except for those with polycystic ovary syndrome. A pelvic exam must be done before starting Clomid and after each cycle. Infertile patients Those whose livers work as they should are those who Those whose bleeding is regular and not out of the ordinary. When a patient comes in with unusual bleeding from the vaginal area, a thorough exam is needed to rule out the presence of cancerous tumors. Every patient should start treatment with a small dose of 50 mg (1 tablet) once a day for 5 days. People who don't ovulate after using Clomid in cyclic dosing cycles are the only ones who can have their dose increased (50 mg). When there is reason to think that a patient has an abnormal response to pituitary gonadotropin, which can happen in people with polycystic ovarian syndrome, a lower dose or shorter treatment cycle is recommended. Between each round of treatment, the patient must be closely watched to make sure that her ovaries don't get bigger, she doesn't get pregnant, or she doesn't get an ovarian cyst.
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