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10 Tips to Create a Successful Blog britishauthor.ukban site

1. Have a goal The question is simple: why do you want to have a blog? Do you want to generate authority, make money on the internet, attract leads and customers to your company, generate business, and exchange ideas? The objective is what will guide your entire strategy, from designing the content to be published to measuring results. 2. Define your personas A blog is an Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing strategy, therefore, it must be targeted at your personas. Who do you want to attract with this blog? Why? What are the characteristics and behaviors of this audience? Defining the personas for your content marketing strategy is essential for you to create the right content that will boost your blog. It is through this knowledge that you will determine the themes, keywords, and objectives of each content produced. 3. Choose the platform There are several options for you to create a blog: Blogger, WordPress, Medium and now even LinkedIn is getting into content generation, with LinkedIn Pulse. But which one is the best? Due to the possibility of customization, applications that you can add, usability, responsiveness, and support, without a doubt, WordPress is the best choice. You can add pages, change the layout, in short, create a blog that suits you. Blogger is also a great platform, but the customization options are much more restricted. The other options work practically like text editors. You can even insert images, but it doesn't have many features to give your content that special touch. 4. Create an identity It's no use. A successful blog needs an identity. What is that? We explain. It is a set of factors and actions that will help define your page and make it stand out from the rest. The name, design, language, and post types… all of this help establish the identity of a successful blog. Let's draw a parallel to make this clear: Biscoito Globo. Tapioca roscas, sweet and savory, are synonymous with the beach and traffic jams, especially in Rio de Janeiro. A simple brand of starch biscuits managed to create an identity so unique and strong that it became part of Rio's culture. And that's what a successful blog needs to build for itself, within its universe and in front of its audience. 5. Do your content planning We're at the most important part of being successful with a blog in 2020. Creating content randomly, without a consistent intention, won't help you attract readers. what do you need to do? Define the keywords that your audience uses most to search for content similar to what you intend to publish. Around these keywords, identify themes that you want to work on on your blog and that are relevant and useful to your audience. Then, define what type of content you will create (blog posts, infographics, images, videos, ebooks, etc.) and create an editorial calendar, that is, a posting schedule. 6. Be useful! You can have the best scholars on the planet, and the best plan despite everything not having a fruitful blog. Why do you ask? Since you want to remember the value of your page for the peruser. Whether you want to start a blog for your business or educate others about a particular topic, you need to know what your target audience's primary concerns and questions are. 7. Go beyond the basics Since we are getting into the subject of "types of content," a successful blog requires going beyond the fundamentals. Write posts that are 500, 1000, or 2000 words long; transform an attractive blog post into an infographic; make a video with your talent for speaking; Invite a friend to post as a guest. The lesson here: writing for a blog isn't just about making 500 or 600-word texts. It all boils down to knowing what your personas want and turning those needs into appealing, intelligent content that appeals to people who love to read, watch videos, are interested in images, and are obsessed with numbers. 8. Create great – and useful – titles for your posts The titles of each post are essential for a successful blog. They function as a business card for the reader to click “continue reading” and thus learn from the content, like, comment, post, and, thus, help promote your content. You must insert, in each title, the keywords (at least the main ones) without, however, failing to produce something attractive and intriguing in the eyes of the public. Remember that the language of a blog needs to be closer to the reader, so don't be afraid to come up with different and fun titles. The calls will also help with your blog's SEO. 9. Learn SEO Another ally that cannot be missing for you to have a successful blog is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. If you haven't heard of it yet, we have a complete SEO guide for you to learn more about this strategy. Returning to the subject, it is with SEO that you will make your blog more attractive to search engines, climbing the ladder of glory of being on the first page of Google. But don't worry, this takes some time. 10. Study your competitors It is unlikely that you will own a blog on an exclusive topic. Which means you will have competitors. As a good content producer who cares about your business, your mission is to closely monitor everything your colleagues have produced. Subjects, posts, offers, announcements, knowing what and how they are doing a good job can generate ideas for your blog. Don't treat them as rivals, after all, a guest post is good for any blog, and exchanging experiences never hurts.
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