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Which of the reports does the dental billing service company provide to the practice? dentalinsurancechecks.comban site

A dental billing service company provides various reports to the practice to ensure transparency, track financial performance, and optimise revenue cycle management. These reports typically include: Ageing Reports: Show outstanding patient and Dental insurance Billing services balances, helping the practice follow up on overdue claims and payments. Insurance Claims Reports: Detail submitted, pending, approved, and denied claims, allowing the practice to monitor reimbursement status. Payment Posting Reports: Summarise payments received from insurance and patients, ensuring accurate reconciliation of accounts. Accounts Receivable (AR) Reports: Provide an overview of unpaid claims and patient balances, helping with collections and cash flow management. Production and Collection Reports: Compare the practice’s total dental insurance billing services services with the actual collected revenue, identifying financial trends. Denial and Rejection Reports: Analyse claim denials dental insurance services and rejections, highlighting patterns and areas for improvement to reduce future issues. Adjustment Reports: Show write-offs, discounts, and adjustments made to accounts, ensuring accuracy in revenue tracking.
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