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History Lyon Tartan time believ - jannifer | ello ello.coban site

The History of Lyon Tartan There was a time when it was believed that the family was of Celtic descent and descended from one of the Lamonts' sons. But the widely accepted theory that they come from a Norman family known as de Leon, refers to Lyons-la-Foret. Ingelram De Lyons was one of the friends of William the Conqueror when he conquered England in 1066. In 1080, his cousin Nicholas de Lyons settled in the Northampton shire. Here comes the Lyons family from England and Ireland. In their family, a young man named Roger is believed to have traveled north of Scotland and found a place in Perthshire later known as Glen Lyon. Thus Lyon Tartan pattern will make your clothes more stylish and elegant Thus, Roger de Leonne viewed a charter from Edgar at Abuny's Dunfermline in 1105.nnn#lyontartan #tartan #tartanfabric #tartanhistory #tartankilt #tartanplaid #tartantoday #tartanhistory #lyontartankilt
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