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The Ultimate Guide to DIY Pocket Pussies - Blog View - Party.biz mail.party.bizban site

For those seeking to make their own "blowjob simulators" at home, this guide will provide instructions for basic and advanced pocket pussies using household items. With simple materials and steps, you can build a customized, textured pleasure sleeve perfect for masturbation. https://www.pearl-vibe.com/ Constructing an Advanced Adjustable Pocket Pussy To make an advanced, customizable "blowjob simulator," you'll need: a plastic container, glove, pool noodle/pipe insulation, blood pressure cuff, tape, lotion. Follow these steps: Step 1 - Prepare the blood pressure cuff tube and tape leaks. Step 2 - Cut a small hole in the container bottom. Step 3 - Insert cuff hose and reconnect ball pump. Step 4 - Cut pool noodle/pipe to match container. Cut a slot. Step 5 - Place glove in container with fingers in and 2 inches out. Step 6 - Insert noodle, aligning tops. Roll up loosely and insert. Step 7 - Roll glove down and fasten to top. Step 8 - Generously lubricate. Insert penis and move. Step 9 - Squeeze pump to adjust tightness. Place between cushions/furniture for hands-free use. Constructing a Basic Homemade Pocket Pussy For a basic DIY hands free male masturbator pocket pussy, you'll need: pool noodle, glove, knife/bag, gummy bears/worms, lotion, bands. Step 1 - Cut pool noodle slightly longer than desired size. Split lengthwise. Step 2 - Make slots in foam half to hold gummies for texture. Repeat in other half. Step 3 - Place glove/bag between halves, aligning openings. Secure with bands. Step 4 - Generously apply lotion into opening as lube. Safety and Satisfaction While homemade options can be fun, genuine "thrusting prostate massager" products may offer better quality and safety. But these DIY steps can create a unique, cost-effective alternative. Just remember - personal safety and satisfaction are the priority
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