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Order Tramadol Online | Buy Tramadol Online | Overnight Fedex | Credit Card | www.meds2zone.cfban site

Order Tramadol Online | Buy Tramadol Online | Overnight Fedex | Credit Card | Do You Have a Valid Prescription: No doubt you've seen ads and have received emails that claim no prescription is needed to buy a name-brand drug. Ordering from such a pharmacy (if it truly is a pharmacy) is a big mistake. To purchase a prescription drug, the most important requirement is that you have a real prescription to give to the pharmacy. By U.S. federal law, in order to sell you a prescription drug, any pharmacy must be able to prove that you, the purchaser, has a relationship with the doctor who writes the prescription. The pharmacy must require your doctor's signature on a prescription. If you don't have a prescription, some online pharmacies will tell you it is sufficient for their in-house "doctor" to write a prescription without seeing you in person. However, this is a violation of the law by both you and the pharmacy. Some pharmacies that claim you don't need a prescription will try to get around the requirement by giving you a questionnaire to fill out. Then, based on your answers to the questionnaire, they will claim their doctor will diagnose you and prescribe the drug you "need" (meaning the one you requested). Don't let them fool you. The law says you must have seen the prescribing doctor in person. If their "doctor" prescribes a drug for you, it's illegal. Steps to Ensure Your Online Prescription Purchase is Legal Be sure you can answer all these questions with a yes, according to FDA, Federal Trade Commission, and Drug Enforcement Agency requirements:
Read the full article on www.meds2zone.cf
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