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beetroot flour countrykitchen.coban site

beetroot flour
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category pics posted by countrykitchen 3 years ago 2 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

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(3 years ago)
Ready to add some ruby red powder to your smoothies or pre-workout shake? If you want to use beetroot to power your workout performance, Asche recommends mixing up and drinking one serving of beetroot powder about 30 minutes before exercising.

If you’re new to using beets or beet supplements before exercise, though, don’t just start chugging away. “Beetroot juice and powder have very distinct flavors and can cause stomach upset in some people,” says Asche. If you plan on using beetroot powder to power a competition—like a running or obstacle race—test it a few times during practice workouts first.

When it comes to overall health benefits, especially heart health, you’ll need to up your intake even more. “Half a liter of beetroot juice (about two cups) per day has been shown beneficial,” says Jones. (That’s the equivalent of eight beets!) To reap similar benefits from beetroot powder, take anywhere between one to four servings per day, depending on the brand.
(3 years ago)