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Walking Cane dynamome.comban site

That's a real dog lover and walk and their dog ritual thing I might see some dog walkers out there but other than that yeah generally I wait till it's a little warmer but I got nothing going on right now so I'm just going to go stomp around that in the today okay I'm here I'm gonna try to be all stealthy and not talk Dynamo Walking Canes well here it is my easy pickings took me about no outlaws in there for about half an hour this one's got some really big diamonds on it so yeah that's what they look like when they're on the tree, yeah these are really pretty yeah I wasn't in there for very long either um he's not really very straight as you can see they're pretty bored but that's okay because I used to go through and go get really straight pieces and nothing but now I can just find them that are kind of straight and let them dry usually when they dry they dry crooked anyways. They don't stay straight when they dry but I made a steam bender which is pretty cool I got this corrugated pipe and black corrugated pipe it's actually double-walled so like the outside of its kind of half insulated and I just wrapped a blanket around it to insulate it some more I don't really need to when I got a pipe in there you can see and a little clumpy thing on here that kind of works when I put a back on it I just glued and screwed it in I put a little drip hole in here and I use one of these pots Walking Cane waiting for their power steamer you just fill it up and I got a hole in the bottom here with that pipe and saw that pipe that plates got a foot off a bunch of holes drilled in it on both sides going all the way to the back and I put them in here for about an hour and they get really rubbery and I can bend them back to straight. So yeah I get some I get some really straight pieces out of them these are the ones I still gotta peel you generally want to peel when they're wet these were from last year I didn't I didn't pee one because this time of year it's it's really dry you wanna you wanna you want to be over like over like 65 maybe 70% humidity it's a good idea to dry them in your basement if you have one because once it gets under 60% you know it's it's really too dry they dry out too fast and then they start to crack so you want it you want it pretty damp to dry them I'm probably gonna cut these down so they actually fit in my steamer I'm probably gonna let them dry in here because hopefully it'll it'll it'll stay humid inside a box because this time of years is really to dry in my house to be to be dry in anything you want it you want to kind of wet in the in the summer the spring summer it's it's perfect down here because it's that's usually about percent humidity I got it I got a dehumidifier but yeah right now beans that it's one below it's probably it's probably about forty percent humidity down.
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