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We're gonna be drawing to the rectangles in a way you can see where that line okay just draw a line between the point all the X there at the point of the ex day and what we're gonna do is I'm gonna draw a log economist and turn those ones and then I'll say to noise points and then with these ones and then we'll just do the same thing but the other direction so from here to here doesn't matter ways that I say just drawing a rectangle between the points of that the crosses all the diamonds so I don't you can sort of seeing what I've done the SI I've got one sort of rectangle between the points going that way and there's a turning around but one then going the other direction I used to repeat that over and over again so we go back to the first rectangle Audrey so then we're gonna point one-two and then three and four so we're going to join them up this will give you your pattern so you know he. So I was wondering about whether I just do this is on one sort of the face of the nod not rapping you all the way around as a continuous thing but I thought no no I think that'll quite good and I have seen people do this sort of thing before so again I've made some mistakes tracing things on before which is a be frustrating but I love part of the learning process I suppose making mistakes okay sorry yeah and this way okay so and then we'll go here you can just take your time so you don't make a mistake you don't want too many lines you know mistakes going over each other there's an especially maybe there's no key we using pencil or pen it's it can be hard to get off one sometimes without sanding it so you should get the hang of it though as you go along the pattern goes sort of almost join the dots anyway yeah what am I ideas I'd like to do in their future is they've had some land I'd like to build a very humble sort of structure. I just well worth mining for the enjoyable building something but I like to have something where you know are they do workshops or various things with people to teach a man of many things because I think it's a lot of enjoyment in doing things yourself and some people never they were do anything themselves ever and I mean you know it'll be just the way they don't have any interest but I think there's something bubbly for everybody out there just you know hope you some kind that to do is making something creating something so I'm very very satisfying there's an old Chinese word for saying we wake which is an I think I'm from the Taoist philosophy and which means an action what I'm doing and a lot of people think that means they're nothing in life but it's not what it means it in a way that you become so consumed in what you're doing that you're almost doing nothing could just become almost no one with it in a sense and.
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