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Walking Cane dynamome.comban site

So I went home and I built myself a cane that allowed my body to become upright. That allowed my foot to relearn how to strike the ground from heel to toe and let movement become coordinated and balanced between the two sides of my body. This is how you use the 3rd Foot Cane. You need to adjust my cane so that when you stand up and the cane is on the outside of your leg, your shoulders are level and your head is centered and aligned over your body so that when you start walking, the cane is on the outside of your leg with your hand close to the outside of your leg and when your foot moves, the cane foot moves and they both strike the ground together from heel to toe. You're able to coordinate and balance movement between the left and right sides of your body in a coordinated way, without leaning to one side or forward or without extending your arm. Please adjust it higher than you would a traditional cane. I want to show you what happens when you adjust it too low. When you take my cane and adjust it lower like a traditional cane, and you try to walk, you will no longer be upright. Upright posture is when you can draw a straight line between your ear, your shoulder, your hip, and your ankle when you walk. That's what's considered upright posture. When my cane is adjusted properly and used properly - from the side - upright posture. The cane foot acts as a 3rd Foot, and you should be able to walk upright – not at the very beginning when you start walking, but eventually, you will. Because why? Because you will not be extending your arm out to the side. You should not be learning. You should just be walking with a normal step, stride, and gait. Thank you for purchasing the 3rd Foot Cane! just want to take a moment to show you how to go up and down steps, with a cane, it's really an extension of walking with a cane and as usual, the came follows your affected weak or injured leg so to go up a step was going to pretend my right leg is weak to go up a step you go up with a good leg place the cane on the step and then all the weight is on your good leg you follow up with the bad leg again my right leg is bad so the cane is in my left hand up with a good leg and the bad leg follows now to go back down the bad leg goes down first so put the came down first then your bad leg all my weight is supported on my good leg and then bring my good leg down the same thing down the bad leg all the way to support on my good leg and the good leg down and that's how you go up and down the steps with a cane, it is simple, oh, aah! (Crashing noise) Hey everybody, it's Doctor I got an email from Emma, who is the Co-founder and CEO of foreveryoungcane.com She asked me to do an on how, when, and why should you use a cane? She so graciously donated some canes. This is the everyday in black. This is the Fashion cane in purple.
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