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Safest Walking Cane dynamome.comban site

It back straight because you want the end of your cane to be straight right you don't want it to be crooked that's dangerous all right so here's a nice birch, of course, this is no good it's no good for the main tree forest management Dynamo Walking Canes and what it's doing is it has a nice place are there for a handle right here you have a nice grip and it's fairly straight so this could be it folks not exactly what warning it's not too much carving I'm really gonna have to make up my mind pretty soon here this tree had one good branch anyway this one is dead so because of that I'm happy hope it's not from the inside so I rather leave a lot more but not enough yes I'm gonna save this I'm gonna see fire right a little bit of work I'll be able to do something with this, okay so anyway this is gonna be workable I think it's gonna be pretty unique. I just wish that I would have found something dry I don't know this part of the woods I am now I couldn't fly anything dry because you never know what can happen or this dries I don't want it to twist so yeah quite a lot of carving to do in the handle but we're going to have to wait till this is dried up I'm still gonna take a little bit of the bark off so it dries quicker and we'll see from there okay well I actually don't even need more of a fire in this and starting to rain but anyway hey get the last few drops of this here to put that there all right so for now we'll say this is the first part of the as looking for the right now again I'm no expert with a cane making okay Walking Cane I'm just having fun and doing what I think is right that's it so just my two cents so this first part is looking and trying to find what you want what you need harvesting and of course, having a coffee is a must and the second part well. We'll do a little bit more carving yeah I'll show you you know buy parts there what I do with this and we'll see the finishing touches and everything and then once it's all done you know the little bit of burning staining and all that stuff so this is gonna be a complete I wasn't planning on doing that but anyway but the rest is gonna be done at home though I have to wait a couple of weeks with just to dry up oh man yes sir heavenly coffee right here my friends remember it's the fall just before that big snow falls down you guys go out and you enjoy the wilderness it's the time right now you know it's drizzling a little bit that's fine I will survive so we'll see you at home well expect the unexpected when you're out here right wasn't supposed to rain now she's raining really good so as being said I took to show you closer I took all the bark off I'm pretty pleased with it look at the design in the front here okay I don't think my camera likes the water so.
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