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Medical Terpenes www.medicalterpenes.comban site

There are loads there isn't they're just and just before we kind of get onto the specifics of cannabis in the and a cannabinoid system is limonene the same in any plant that you find limonene so another example lemon for example and a cannabis plant that has limonene in it are they identical on a molecular level, yes and no there can be different stereoisomers different three-dimensional configurations making of different effects but for the most part, if we're talking about citrus Buy Terpenes it's going to bed limonene and it will be the same but as I mentioned previously if we blindfold people and we stick under their noses the lemon a lime and an orange almost everyone is going to be able to tell the difference and that is from trace components that are distinct in each one so you know if we just expose you to pure limonene people might identify it as a citrusy odor but they're not going to recognize it as a lemon-lime or orange you need the whole picture for that. So yeah there are some real subtleties and what's very confusing to most people including scientists is essential oils the terpenes and terpenoids are extremely potent and so the amounts involved that are producing the effects we've described or tiny and usually would be downplayed as being significant by most people that were looking at them you know True Terpenes if we're talking about one milligram of this or two milligrams of that you wouldn't ordinarily think it's going to have any effect but these clearly do and again what we're trying to show in the experiments at Johns Hopkins is y'all you know there's only a little bit of this but it can make the difference in whether someone is anxious or not when they've inhaled THC so um this is we're trying to prove something that many of us have known or claimed to have known for decades. But we again need to provide the real nitty gritty proof to a level that will gain scientific acceptance yeah but a huge task right when you when you as you said earlier over 500 compounds in plan and and many of them trace levels I'm sure quite difficult to sort of say what's doing what and when you take one bit away whether it changes so I've just adjust a record all of that what are the possible permutations must be huge oh yeah it's tremendous I mean again if in any given cannabis sample they're often going to be three to five prominent terpenoids and then tiny amounts of many many more and it's funny because some plant samples will really predominate in one thing and not have a lot of diversity whereas others particularly if they're grown in a biodynamic way you know under Sun in a soil that actually has an active microbiome they're going to show a lot more diversity and they may have small amounts of 20 different terpenoids that are readily identifiable now again Terpenes for sale I should emphasize these things we like to anthropomorphize but these substances won't weren't put there on God's green earth for our human enjoyment rather they perform ecological roles in defense of the plan either to promote Polynesian or to deter predation by insects or to prevent feeding by browsing animals deer and what-have-you so these perform a role for the plant and we're just capitalizing on nature's bounty to our own advantage yeah fascinating perspective and way of looking at it as well so.
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