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Dynamo Walking Cane dynamome.comban site

You can see you will see your own techniques some you may not like some you may like I mean I could just come in here take technique here thank you now the infamous finisher technique the wet willy we call it the bunny rabbit because the bunny rabbit goes over the hill under the mountain meets his friend and they go over the river to have tea you're basically weaving in between the arms so all we're doing is pulling that elbow to that elbow yeah why do I say these things because this is how we learn down if I was really mean I would actually pun gal out and pull him back that way because I like it and pull that way at the same time now there you go so what I have here is a perfectly good coaster to put my team so dangerous dan come in there's suddenly a thing he doesn't realize but it was at this point he realized he'd messed up I’m out of here just fell off well guys that's it for another and for another week and we hope you enjoyed it um let us know. If you have any comments or ideas drop them down below don't forget about what that was that was the week that was it was they were ideas we're playing with the hope to give you ideas and you'll find your own combat moves and get your aggressor when you're comfortable to be aggressive because this is great we're showing you it's calm it's quite good it's intimidating so after you popped a comment down below don't forget to subscribe to like to share to ring the bell sting-free to fear to follow the t-shirt unleash the tiger freaking the ferry and down below you can watch us at the cinema down here you can look at the hunger present and up here you can have a good laugh that's a nice pain it's both my legs hi welcome to unsightly opinions. If you're new my name's tamara today we are going to be talking about how to use a white cane there's a whole history to the white cane and different meanings behind the different colors associated with the white cane and it can identify what type of visual impairment but i think that's something for another today i want to talk about how you use a white cane for mobility reasons so if you're not just trying to identify yourself as having a visual impairment how do you properly use a white cane to get around please note that i am not a specialized orientation and mobility instructor i don't have special training to teach someone how to use a white cane but i have been using a white cane for over 20 years and i've had many many years of instruction that i'm hoping to pass on to you today i also recognize that it's not necessarily possible for everybody to access white cane training when they need it so this will at least get you on the right path while you're waiting for specialized training two final pieces of advice before i take you outside if you're starting to use a white cane first you don't have to be completely blind to use a white cane for mobility reasons.
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