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Dynamo Walking Cane dynamome.comban site

How well you handle this it's not unlike a baseball glove or anything else you can get all the specifications in place but you have to see what it is that you feel comfortable with obviously the majority of the people that come to the site looking for canes are looking for self-defence canes in the method that we teach a portion of those people obviously may need it medically and so you need to feel comfortable with that and if that's the case chances are you already know the length of the Canes and again we can pretty much customize that on our wooden canes okay the Raven comes in a standard 39 and if you need a shorter cane than that and most people do they can go ahead and cut that you know with a pipe cutter or you know some other instrument that's going to allow you to do that but for the most part again the most important thing is for you to handle that fellow my height should not be handling a 39-inch raven without alterations it's designed for somebody "DYNAMO Prime Stick – Which is an urban walking cane in the USA. If anyone walks with confidence and takes anyone's help this product will be suitable for him to go anywhere. The most common features are Comfortable, Stable, and Versatile. Without facing any rattle it’s used in any weather. It not only provides durability and comfort but also a beautiful and gorgeous look too. Who's about six to right yet my limbs I have particularly long arms for my height and the experience that I have in handling canes for self-defence allow me to cruise with that cane okay I might have somebody who's six-five and they're listening to this and they're going well gosh that cane is too short for me listen you need to pick it up and you need to get a feel for that okay particularly for self-defence because it's not one plus one equals two okay that's the first concept that I want to cover with you that we really only promote three prototypes okay there's a robe I know heavy for training or you can use it for the street as well the triple gripper which is essentially street cane and the robe I doubt Raven if you're ordering a basic Robina heavy and when you look at the horn that's considered a soft horn it has its sawed off a little bit there at the tip but it's considered a soft horn. So when you look at something like this it's got fangs on it that's considered a much harder or more aggressive horn in the born-again is used for a close up work and for grappling and people to turn their hands on you you got to escape a situation like that but if you're ordering what we you know you should be clear on that if you need something softer than that we can get that for you but you're not going to see it promoting our site because anybody who walks in and is an in-house a headquarter student this is the the basic type of of cane that they work with instructors may want to consider getting an instructor's cane and if you look here look at how wide that crook is okay and it's designed to fit comfortably over people's act necks and so that's so that you do not bite or scrape and injure your students okay so you may want to consider something like that again the horn is going to vary depending on the cane that you order from us and the softest horn you're going to get is what you're going to lining on a robe.
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