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Terpenes are aromatic compounds that come from plants. Cannabis plants contain true terpenes. Terpenes for sale, Ideal for anticancer, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antihyperglycemic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic. Buy Terpenes are also used to enhance skin penetration, prevent inflammatory diseases what you need to know about this is the estrogen receptor binds to the estrogen, to the steroid and then it gets all the way to the nucleus, it doesn't get to the nucleus before then because it's kind of covered up by this heat shock proteins. And furthermore, it has to bind to this beta -- beta molecule over here to make it through the nuclear pore and be imported into the nucleus, once it's there it triggers transcription of the receptor hormone gene, okay, so this triggers the transcription and then in turn then allows the cells to respond to the estrogen. Okay, something else that's notable about this, notice that this has a homo, okay, these are two identical molecules of estrogen receptor alpha over here and then estrogen receptor over here and they're both identical. Contrast that against the other mode of nuclear receptor signalling which involves hetero, same principle, the molecule diffuses, in this case, the molecule's acid structure is here, oh, and by the way, again this is the structure of again synthesized from acid over here can directly sneak its way across the plasma membrane, through the cytoplasm, through the nuclear membrane and get all the way over to this receptor for the acid. So this is the receptor alpha, and this also binds to the receptor and then the two of these get together and hetero before leading to the production of these en-coated proteins, okay. So this leads to transcription and expression eventually of these proteins, okay, so in both cases we see a similar effect, you have this greasy little hormone molecule, the greasy hormone molecule gets in through the plasma membrane, binds to the receptor and then the receptor sneaks into the nucleus where it can cause transcription. Okay, so in this case, the signalling molecule is taking a shortcut to get all the way to the nucleus, sound good, okay. Let's look at a structure, so this is a structure of this binding to acid receptor alpha bound also to this over here, and acid in yellow up here, and then also binding to DNA. So, this is an example again of hetero, blue, purple, and then this hetero can interrogate the DNA using exactly the same sort of transcription factor event that we talked about when we talked about proteins binding to DNA many weeks ago, in fact maybe over a month ago. It seems like a really long time, earlier in the quarter, and again notice that this has its alpha-helix that could snuggly fit into the major groove and interrogate the sequence. So this thing will then look for a particular sequence of DNA and then activate transcription of a particular gene -- a particular open reading frame of that DNA leading to the turning on of specific proteins, the production of specific proteins. Make sense, okay, so much to talk about here, and unfortunately, I just don't have time, we're running out of time. So if I were to say chemists have spent a lot of time thinking about ways to control nuclear receptors because if you can then you can dramatically control gene transcription and in turn that can have dramatic consequences for controlling the growth of cells, the mortality of cells, the differentiation of cells, etcetera. And this has been done classically for well over 50 years now, for example, isolated from the yam, this compound -- check out this, this thing is enormous, right, that's a whole down here, this is what the yam tree looks like, it's just one monster.
Read the full article on www.medicalterpenes.com
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