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The following article was written by https://perfectessaysonline.com/ Nowadays, considerable amounts of people around the world use English for communication. Moreover, it is becoming a single global language for business. The number of multinational companies is constantly growing in many countries and this fact encourages geographically diverse business endeavors to have dealings in a language that has the world significance. As a common mode of speech, English has appeared to be a single language of business because citizens in different states prefer it in their communication; however, the majority of the society worry about the degradation of their own languages and traditional values. The Reasons for the Current Spread of English Currently, English is one of the most important languages ​​around the globe. Although it is not leading in terms of the number of native speakers such as Mandarin (Chinese), it is the most crucial in international relations, science, medicine, education, and business (Baber & Fletcher-Chen, 2015). Admittedly, it has happened due to various reasons. Firstly, active colonialism unusually expanded the territory of the British Empire that resulted in the spread of English throughout the world. The British Crown existed in almost all the time zones of the planet. Until the final disappearance of the British Empire in the twentieth century, the language was so firmly entrenched in the former colonies that there was not a single reason to change its status. In addition, the need for diplomatic relations encouraged many European powers to learn English. Furthermore, a huge amount of scientific publications, fiction, films, and music are issued in English. Besides, all major film companies, music labels, news agencies, universities, etc. are registered in the United States and other English-speaking countries. Moreover, most of the modern developments in technology, in particular, communications, are created in the United States. For example, the Internet that penetrated into everyday life grew out of military developments of the U.S. Army, which later found application for scientific purposes and in the civil communications market (Thomas & McDonagh, 2013). Now, there is no the aggressive expansion of the English language in the world but due to the abovementioned reasons, it continues to spread in a natural way. Another ground for English being a single language for business is the economy. Today, the United Kingdom and the United States of America are global financial centers in which business life of major corporations and international financial organizations is concentrated (Rogerson-Revell, 2007). For example, one of the world’s largest financial institutions is the London Stock Exchange. It accounts for about 50 percent of the international stock trade involving companies from 60 countries (Kelley & ‎Shenkar, 2013). Since English is the main means of universal communication, the wide internationality of the exchange is a significant factor in its spread (Rogerson-Revell, 2007). Therefore, the English language has become worldwide due to historical and economic factors. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Prevalence of the English Language in China Since my native country is China, I should admit that there is a transition from the national culture to the global one, the language of which is English. One of the main advantages of learning English is that it is considered the language of global business. Speaking and understanding English allows a person to communicate more easily with others and to find more potentialities for employment throughout the world. The English language helps China integrate into the global community (Baber & Fletcher-Chen, 2015). Furthermore, for many people, the benefits of learning English include expanding employment opportunities. Thus, the individuals who speak two or more languages are often ideal candidates for overseas official trips in the international business. On the other hand, the implementation of a single global language is not able to replace a mother tongue for numerous reasons. Thus, the Chinese are sure that their native language is the greatest possession that enables them to keep their self-identity (Kelley & ‎Shenkar, 2013). In addition, the Chinese language has developed through many centuries and, therefore, has become sophisticated. Moreover, it is not just a means of communication rather it represents the Chinese culture and national history. Consequently, the introduction of English as a unique international language may ruin their rich traditional values that may lead to their degradation. Chinese Business The share of the U.S. companies consider China a priority for their business development. Many American corporations believe that China is predominant with regard to investments among other countries in the world (Kelley & ‎Shenkar, 2013). Consumer demand in China is quite high; therefore, if the firm produces consumer goods or services, their capital expenditures in China will be successful. The Chinese authorities are trying to create equal opportunities for all types of establishments and the knowledge of English is the main benefit for every business. As it is known, small enterprises in China originate from American ideas because entrepreneurship has existed and flourished there for many years (Kelley & ‎Shenkar, 2013). Hence, it is the USA where the most innovative, lucrative and interesting proposals appear; besides, the latter are really successful. The position of English as the dominant language of business is observed everywhere in China. Regardless of whether a marketing research or international negotiations are conducted, the outcomes of success often depends on the knowledge of the English language. When discussing significant issues, the Chinese rely more on personal meetings than on written communication and telephone conversations. However, it must be recognized that the whole concept of a common language makes one think about its drawbacks. Thus, those who speak in their mother tongue are in a more favorable situation, when it is a matter of professional competence. Conclusion Most of the world markets are oriented on the relationships, which are developed through extensive networks of personal contacts. Admittedly, such an interaction is impossible without the knowledge of English. Since, the latter language has become an international language of communication, businesspersons, particularly in China, the society is aware of the importance of studying the language. However, the majority of people are concerned about the decline of their mother tongues and traditional values.
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