Fluorotherm www.fluorotherm.comban site
Address: 333 New Road, Unit #1, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Phone: (877) 777-2629
Fluorotherm shell and tube heat exchangers have a resistance to corrosion that is second only to diamond. The non-stick attributes resist fouling keeping heat transfer efficient over its lifecycle. Our shell and tube heat exchangers have evolved considerably in design and new materials. Fluorotherm coil design provides the largest tube-to-tube spacing, assuring uniform heat transfer. This feature reduces the possibility of hot spots forming, which will damage the tubing over time. In this way both our materials and design prevent thermal degradation. Visit our website to learn more about shell and tube heat exchangers today.
#Industrial #shell and tube heat exchangers
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fluorotherm/
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posted by fluorotherm39 7 months ago
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