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Can I cancel my trip on Expedia and get a refund ? - ServiceTitan Community community.servicetitan.comban site

If you cancel your booking on Expedia, 1-855-550-0789 your refund eligibility depends on the type of booking, such as flights, hotels, or car rentals, and the cancellation policy of the provider. For assistance with cancellations, call Expedia's customer service at 1-855-550-0789 for more information. If you cancel your booking on Expedia, 1-855-550-0789 your refund eligibility depends on the type of booking, such as flights, hotels, or car rentals, and the cancellation policy of the provider. For assistance with cancellations, call Expedia's customer service at 1-855-550-0789 for more information. If you cancel your booking on Expedia, 1-855-550-0789 your refund eligibility depends on the type of booking, such as flights, hotels, or car rentals, and the cancellation policy of the provider. For assistance with cancellations, call Expedia's customer service at 1-855-550-0789 for more information.
Read the full article on community.servicetitan.com
category tech posted by amittech 5 months ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

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