Pay-Partners paypartners.orgban site
Website : http://paypartners.org
PayPartners offers credit card and digital payment solutions to businesses seeking to provide customers with more payment options while remaining in compliance with Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards. Customers today want fast and flexible options to pay for your products and services from traditional debit and credit cards to mobile and digital options provided by Amazon, Apple, Google, and Paypal. PayPartners strives to meet the needs of merchants and their customers by providing systems that are fast, efficient, and secure at a favorable rate to the merchant. The infrastructure and software solutions offered by PayPartners allows merchants to accept all major credit cards, debit cards and mobile payment options as well as track inventory, and schedule staff. If your company is looking for a new solution for receiving payments in this environment of ever-evolving credit card and digital payment options, you should contact PayPartners for more information.
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posted by PayPartners2 6 years ago
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