Stories by 21stcenturycyber4
21st Century Cyber Charter School 21cccs.orgban site
Address: 221 Blue Spruce Way, Murrysville, PA 15668
Phone: 484-875-5400
Email: [email protected]
Cyber schools in PA have come a long way thanks to 21st Century Cyber Charter School. 21CCCS was established in 2001 for Pennsylvania students in grades 6 through 12 that require online learning. 21CCCS features the best academic track record of any online charter school in PA, including average SAT scores in the top 5% of all Pennsylvania public schools. 21CCCS provides students with flexible, individualized cyber school programs catered to meet specific student needs. 21st Century’s asynchronous learning environment provides students with 24/7 course access, and a 56-hour per week window where they can work one on one with PA certified, highly qualified teachers as a supplement to the online schooling program. Contact us today to see what the best online school in PA has to offer your child.
#Education #cyber schools in PA
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posted by 21stcenturycyber4 1 year ago
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