Stories by OptikaOptometrist


Prescription Safety Glasses Malaysia site

Optika Optometrist Many workers underestimate the importance of eye health. But it is extremely important, especially if you work in an environment that requires you to wear safety glasses. A research study by Prevent Blindness America showed that over 700,000 Americans suffer eye injuries on the job each year. In addition, another 125,000 people injure their eyes at home, not to mention the countless eye injuries that go unreported. Grinding and welding are the two most common causes of eye injury. Industries such as construction and manufacturing, and to a lesser extent the agriculture, forestry, mining, and fishing industries, appear to be those where workers commonly sustain eye injuries. Many of these eye injuries occur when the workers were not wearing appropriate eye protection. Fortunately, most of these injuries can be avoided with a high-quality pair of safety glasses with impact-resistant lenses. Optika Optometrist Safety glasses are not regular glasses and regula
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