Stories by Pentagonplus


007 Seconds to Impress The Recruiter pentagonplus.comban site

007 Seconds To Impress The Recruiter June 18, 2021 Candidate Insights Article Written By: Diong Wern Di, Senior Consultant blog Your resume is a snapshot of your qualifications, achievements and yourself. It showcases who you are: your skills, background, relevant experiences and accolades. In the competitive job market, a solid resume is essential to be considered for a position within a company. The daunting truth, however, is recruiters usually take only SEVEN seconds to screen through your resume. Think about this: when promoting a job position out there, the recruiter receives hundreds upon hundreds of resumes from individuals who believe they are the best fit for the job. Regardless of what is in there, the recruiter’s time is limited and will only select the ones he or she deems to be worthwhile candidates. That means seven seconds is all you have to make an impression on the recruiter to consider you for an interview. You may have the best qualifications or experiences
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