Stories by Sparkacademy123


Snowflake Training and Certification Course sparkacademy.usban site

Snowflake is cloud based data warehouse and analytical tool. With so many SAAS based Data warehouse applications available currently that are competing against one another, Snowflake stands out among the crowd for it uniqueness in design and approach. Snowflake works on an application that is faster and easier to handle. Unlike other data warehouse systems Snowflake is not built on Big data platforms rather it works on new SQL engine that is best suited for cloud. Having one of the best ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) complaint solutions.
category tech posted by Sparkacademy123 3 years ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

Kubernetes Training & Certification Course sparkacademy.usban site

Kubernetes Training & Certification Course will teach you how to use the container management platform used by companies like Google to manage their application infrastructure. You will learn how to install and configure a production-grade Kubernetes cluster, from network configuration to upgrades to making deployments available via services. The course also distills key principles, such as pods, deployments, replica sets, and services, and will give you enough information so that you can start using Kubernetes on your own. This course is designed as preparation for the Kubernetes Certified Administrator (CKA) Exam, and will substantially increase students' ability to become certified.
category tech posted by Sparkacademy123 3 years ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url