Stories by adamwilson
Radionuclide Antibody Conjugation Overview www.rdcthera.comban site
As one kind of antibody-based radiopharmaceuticals, RDC with accurate bifunctional in cancer diagnostic and treatment represents one of the fastest growing fields in the pharmaceutical industry. Many novel bioconjugation approaches have been generated recently. Among all the bioconjugation methods, there are three most prevalent covalent bonds in radionuclide-antibody conjugation.
RDC Development Service www.rdcthera.comban site
RDC (Radionuclide Drug Conjugate), a novel trend in bioconjugation drug development, has multiple uses in clinical diagnostic and treatment. Four components are needed in RDC, including radionuclide, chelator, linker, and delivery part. Three kinds of delivery parts, including antibodies, small molecules, and peptides are utilized in RDC.