Stories by gzcleanroom
Soft wall Gzcleanroom Ceiling Panel provide an economical www.gzcleanroom.comban site
Soft wall Ceiling Panel provide an economical, versatile solution to Modular Clean Room manufacturing requirements in semiconductor, medical device, and many other manufacturing industries. The portable, expandable, and easy to assemble and disassemble clean rooms are also available in customized designs.
The soft wall clean rooms are designed to reduce or eliminate sub-micron airborne contamination and can be used in specific clean room requirements. They are compact, lightweight and are engineered to deliver lasting performance. These advanced and economical clean rooms with soft walls are used for several purposes such as pharmaceutical sampling, medical device assembly, plastic injection molding, etc. Besides, its modular design makes installation easy and fast.
Soft wall clean room control panel with operation status system is mounted to the right of the access door, this panel allows convenient control of filter/fan units, lights, ionizing modules, and other environmental m
category tech
posted by gzcleanroom 9 years ago
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