Stories by myesadoctor1


Get Emotional Support Animal Letter Online from My ESA Doctor myesadoctor.comban site

My ESA doctor is a service of Steady Care Medical. Our physicians and mental health professionals issue ESA letters for those in need, based on our professional medical opinion. We cannot guarantee acceptance of notes by your specific landlord or airline, as it may depend on local laws and specific policies. We are not liable for legal fees or expenses regarding using the letter or your ESA. You are responsible for checking with and complying with local laws and policies for each business.
category adv posted by myesadoctor1 2 years ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

Get Emotional Support Animal Letter Online from My ESA Doctor myesadoctor.comban site

An ESA Letter from a therapist is all you need to gain legal access to airline cabins and pet-restricted housing without extra fees.
category news posted by myesadoctor1 2 years ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url