Stories by pluginpush
Tips And Tricks For Setting Up Push Notifications on Your WordPress Site wecodefuture.comban site
WordPress is an excellent platform for website designers and developers to build their websites on, but it can be tricky to set up push notifications. In this article, we'll show you how to set up push notifications for your WordPress site with a plugin called Push Notification Plugin.
Setting Up Push Notifications
If you want to send notifications to your WordPress site’s users when new posts are made, changed, or deleted, then push notifications are the way to go. To get started setting up push notifications on your WordPress site, first make sure that you have the necessary tools installed. You’ll need a Push Notifications Provider (like SendHub) and a Push Notification Service (like Twilio). Next, create an account with your Push Notifications Provider and set up a sender ID. This will be the unique identifier that your WordPress site will use to send push notifications. Next, add the sender ID to your WordPress site’s settings. You can find this information under “Settings
category tech
posted by pluginpush 2 years ago
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