Stories by rakshimishra


SCADA in India: Transforming Industries tendersniper.comban site

SCADA, or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, is becoming more important in India's industries. It helps control and monitor processes like energy and water management. SCADA systems make operations more efficient and help avoid problems. In India, SCADA technology is used in many sectors, like manufacturing and transportation. It helps companies save money and run smoothly. Also, there are SCADA tenders where businesses can bid to work on SCADA projects. These projects can include things like improving city infrastructure or managing water treatment plants. Businesses need to be ready and understand what's needed to bid for SCADA projects. Winning these tenders can help them grow and be part of India's industrial development.
category tech posted by rakshimishra 1 year ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url