Stories by stephanicamello
Stephanie Camello about.meban site
Address: Los Angeles, CA
Stephanie Camello is a long-time horror film fanatic. She loves the thrill and the adrenaline that a horror film will give you. Her favorite thing about horror films is that they are unusual, give you a good scare, and tell a surprising story. The genre of horror is not loved by all, but it does have many fans. Critics of the horror genre are displeased with the “predictable” tropes that occur in nearly all horror films. While people say tropes like an abandoned house, groups splitting up, object and people popping out in the movies are so predictable, Stephanie Camello has a different approach. She believes that all these tropes are simply staples and fundamentals of horror films. They are what make horror films, horror films after all.
#Film #Stephanie Camello
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posted by stephanicamello 4 years ago
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