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Tissue Storage and Transportation Media www.amerigoscientific.comban site

Physicians and scientists face the challenge of keeping organs, tissues, and cells viable during various transportation and storage processes for research needs. General products on the market are designed to keep organs, tissue samples, and cells alive for up to 24 hours. Amerigo Scientific offers a solution to preserve tissues, organs, and cells for a longer period for the benefit of physicians and scientists around the world. T-STORE® is a series of sterile, chemically defined, and optimized media that provide a stable storage and shipping environment for mammalian tissue samples and cells. The composition of the medium used to nurture the samples during the preservation protocol is very important, as many factors can negatively affect the integrity of proteins, DNA and RNA in tissues or cells. T-Store® utilizes a robust buffering system, allowing its use over a wide temperature range (+2 °C to +37 °C). In addition, T-Store® is isosmotic, isotonic and isoionic with human serum and interstitial fluid, creating a homeostatic environment to retain the acid-base balance and integrity of human cells and tissues, thereby avoiding the issues of necrosis and apoptosis in cell and tissue samples post collection. T-Store® media provide storage/transportation time of up to 72 hours for all types of human tissue and cell samples, enabling samples to be shipped to international destinations. The extension of viable storage and transport time facilitates an expansion in the use of live samples for vital researches.
Read the full article on www.amerigoscientific.com
category tech posted by davidjones 1 year ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

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